Training corpus



grobid-ner project includes the following dataset:

  • manually annotated extract of the Wikipedia article on World War 1 (approximately 10k words, 27 classes). This data, as the whole Wikipedia content, is available under the licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • manually annotated extract of the Holocaust data from the EHRI research portal, openly available (data policy) (27 classes).

In addition to these datasets, the CRF models shipped with Grobid NER has been also trained with these different datasets :

  • a small extract of the Reuters dataset corresponding to the CONLL 2003 subset, around 10k words, which has been manually re-annotated with 27 classes. The Reuters corpus is available by contacting NIST. If you are interested by the 27-classes manual annotations only, we can distribute them but you will need to combine these annotations with the Reuters corpus.

  • A large set of Wikipedia articles automatically annotated by Idilia. This data can be downloaded from IDILIA download page. We use a part of this dataset in a semi-supervised training step as a complement to the supervised training based on the manually annotated corpus.


It is possible to train grobid-ner with Le Monde corpus, a specific XML parser is included.

Training NER Models

Training data

Since the training data are not freely available, it is necessarily to assembly them beforehand.

Train the NER model

The assumption is that all the required datasets have been downloaded and the property file grobid-ner.yaml updated accordingly. The required files are:

  • wikipedia.ner26.train shipped with the project

  • reuters.ner26.train which is a 27 classes reuters based data

To start the training:

> ./gradlew trainNer 

Due to the semi-supervised training, the process is pretty heavy and it will require several days, depending on the hardware available.

The French NER can be trained as follow:

> ./gradlew trainNerFr 

Train and evaluation of the NER model

The following commands will split automatically and randomly the available annotated data into a training set and an evaluation set, train a model based on the first set and launch an evaluation based on the second set.

For the English NER model:

> ./gradlew trainEvalNer 

For the French NER model:

> ./gradlew trainEvalNerFr 

In this mode, by default, 90% of the available data is used for training and the remaining for evaluation. This ratio can be changed by editing the corresponding exec profile in the pom.xml file.

n-fold evaluation


Train the Sense model

To start the training:

> ./gradlew trainNerSence